History and Government is one of the subjects in secondary school curriculum.
History and Government is essential because it tries to shape and mould learners to be
good citizens. Despite its importance, the number of students taking the subject in
secondary school is declining. The study sought to investigate factors influencing the
choice of History and Government in public secondary schools in Chesumei
sub-county, Nandi, County. The study was guided by the following objectives of
establishing the influence of student’s individual factors, the influence of teachers,
influence of family members and the school factors on the choice of History and
Government. The study was guided by Choice Theory. The study adopted the
descriptive Survey research design. Form three students and teachers of History and
Government from public secondary schools who were purposively elected formed
the study population Stratified sampling was used to obtain the study sample. The
population of thirty five public secondary schools, were categorized into three strata;
national schools, extra-county and county schools These schools were further
stratified into boys and girls. Random sampling was used to select the desired
number of students respondents from each stratum on proportionate basis.
Questionnaire and interview were instruments used to collect data. The questionnaire
were pre-tested to establish their validity and reliability before being administered to
the respondents. The statistical package for Social sciences was used to analyze data
and represented in frequencies, percentages and tables while qualitative data was
presented in form of discussions and explanations. The study found that students were
influenced in their choice of History and Government through attitude, gender,
previous performance and career goals. The study also found that teachers influenced
the students on the choice of History and Government through advice and teaching
methods. The study found out that family members influence the students’ choice of
History and Government through careers and level of education in student’s selection
of subjects .The study also identified several school policies that either made students
select History and Government or decline it altogether. One of such policies was that
of denying bright students the opportunity to select History and Government. The
study may be useful to teachers and the stakeholders in the Ministry of Education.
From the findings, this study recommends that teachers should be the role models
therefore conduct themselves in a manner that make students want to model them,
teachers should positively talk of their subjects and opportunities available to those
who do well in History and Government. School policy on optional subjects should
provide a system of preference which
allows a choice among the alternatives
because the learning environment is critical on how students view a subject.