Records management is a crosscutting issue, whereas initiatives aimed at enhancing
economic performance, increasing government accountability, and strengthening civil
society such as anti-corruption efforts, administrative and civil service reform,
decentralization, electronic government, legal and judicial reform, public expenditure
management, tax policy and administration, and access to information all rely on
access to accurate, reliable and trustworthy records. The Big results now initiative
launched in Tanzania to eliminate the culture of business as usual, to enhance
accountability, efficiency as well as promotion of result-based performance in all
government activities for selected government agencies. Despite the vital role which
records play in promoting delivery of results, the programme does without
recognizing the importance of reliable records in supporting the implementation. The
study's goal was to examine records management's contribution to the president's
delivery bureau in Tanzania's implementation of the big results now program and to
offer records management enhancement measures. The study was informed by four
objectives which were to; explore functions of the former President‟s Delivery
Bureau, Examine the adequacy of current recordkeeping practices of the bureau,
examine the issues that arise in the management of records, and make
recommendations for effective record-keeping systems. The DIRKS methodology
manual guided the study whereas the records life cycle concept and continuum model
were traced. The study employed a qualitative research approach whereby case study
design was used to selection of data collections instruments, analysis and presentation
of findings. The study used purposive sampling procedure to sample 26 respondents
comprising of Directors, Managers, Human resources and administration officer,
Analysts, Accountants, IT and registry staff. Data was gathered using a semi-
structured interview approach, with documentary review as a supplement. There was
a link between the functions and the records created or received at the former.
President‟s Delivery Bureau according to the findings and that record were the basis
for effective implementation of Big Result Now initiative. Other findings included the
fact that, despite the critical importance of records management in providing services,
the current records management infrastructure was woefully insufficient. Various
shortcomings in financial allocation, storage facilities, personnel levels, lack of top
management support, and the absence of a records management strategy were also
mentioned as contributing causes to inadequate records management. The study finds
that in order to be effective and effective implementation of this kind of initiatives
improvements and prior Top management should be in charge of incorporating
records management. According to the study's findings, the former President's
Delivery Bureau should develop and implement a records management policy as soon
as possible, seek top-level management support, build capacity for records staff,
increase budget allocation for records management, and launch a records management
sensitization program, among other things.