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The influence of Inbound Tour Operators (ITOS) in positioning Kenya as an attractive destination for American leisure and travel market

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dc.contributor.author Metobo, Joseline Kwamboka
dc.contributor.author Sulo, Timothy
dc.contributor.author Korir, Michael
dc.date.accessioned 2021-01-15T12:43:06Z
dc.date.available 2021-01-15T12:43:06Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.uri http://dx.doi.org/10.19044/esj.2017.v13n31p248
dc.identifier.uri http://ir.mu.ac.ke:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/3875
dc.description.abstract The bra nd archit ecture of an organiz ation enables custom ers to enjo y a wide range of servic es by the same servic e give r. The purpo se of thi s stud y wa s to assess the moder ating effect of brand architec ture on the relations hip betwe en responsi veness and cust omer loy alty in the mobi le tele comm unica tions indus try in Ke nya. Th e obje ctives of the stud y we re to establis h the effect of responsi veness on custom er loyalty and to find out the moder ating effect of bra nd archit ecture on the relations hip betwe en responsi veness and custo mer loyalty. An explana tory surve y desig n whic h is a qua nti tative research desig n was adopted. The theor y of reason ed action guided the stud y. The subscr iber s of the fou r tele com mobi le provide rs, (Sa faric om, Airte l, Te lecom Ke nya Lim ited ( Orange ), and Essa r (YU ), in Eldore t Tow n (W este rn Ke nya) we re targeted. They tot aled ove r 306,683 . A sampl e siz e of 500 respo nde nts wa s selec ted usin g str atifie d and systema tic sampl ing whic h are prob abil ity sampl ing designs. Que stionna ire s with Likert sca le que stions we re use d to coll ect data. Mult ipl e regressi on and Hie rarchica l mod erated regressi on analysis were use d for data analysis. Before brand archit ecture wa s int rodu ced int o the relations hip, it was establis hed that respon sivene ss deter mi nes custom er loyalty of mob ile subscr iber s of tele com mobi le provide rs as the four items use d had a sig nific ant effect on custom er loyalty. Af ter the int roduc tion of bra nd archit ecture int o the relationshi p it wa s establis hed that ther e was both a posi tive effect an d a negative effect. Onl y one item had a sig nific ant effect on custom er loyalty. Whil e decidi ng on offering more servic es to the subscr iber s, the tel ecom mobi le provide rs shoul d know that the relations hip betwe en their responsi veness and c ustom er lo yalty w ill cha nge. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher European scientific journal en_US
dc.subject Brand architecture, en_US
dc.subject Customer loyalty en_US
dc.title The influence of Inbound Tour Operators (ITOS) in positioning Kenya as an attractive destination for American leisure and travel market en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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