The research was conducted in the Research Laboratories of the Plant
Research International, the Netherlands. The aim was to study the invigoration and stress tolerance of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var.capitata L.) seeds. This involved the performance of several experiments:
preliminary investigations on the duration of soaking and concentration
levels of salicylic acid with cabbage seeds; salicylic acid with various
thermogradient treatments; salicylic acid with primed cabbage seeds and
salicylic acid with primed and deteriorated cabbage seeds. A completely
randomized design was used. The study was carried out between June
and November 1999.
Data were taken on germination parameters such as percent maximum
germination (Gmax), time in days to 50% maximum germination (Tso],
mean germination time in days (MGT), percent normal and abnormal
seedlings and, percent dead and fresh seeds. Data collected were
processed using computer software package called Seed Calculator"
developed at Plant Research International and comparisons of the data
means were performed with Studentt-Test.i
The results obtained indicate that salicylic acid has some invigorating
effects that enable cabbage seeds and seedlings to tolerate abiotic stresses such as sub-optimal germination temperatures and osmotic
solutions. Higher concentrations of salicylic acid (SA)(3.0-10.0 millimolar
(mM)) provide significant effects (p=0.05) of lowering the
maximum germination (Gmax) under24-hourpercentsoaking. Under sub-
optimal temperature of 12 0 C seeds soaked in 0.1 and 0.3 mM SA give
significantly higher (p=0.05) Gmax and percent normal seedlings. The
addition of salicylic acid to the priming agent polyethylene glycol (PEG)
6000 significantly improves its efficacy in terms of seed germination and
seedling development, at sub-optimal temperature of 15 0 C. Significantly
higher (p=0.05) Gmax is recorded with the addition of 0.3 mM salicylic
acid to -1.0 mega Pascal (MPa) PEG during priming, followed by
controlled deterioration. Soaking of seeds in 0.1 and 0.3 mM salicylic acid
followed by controlled deterioration causes significant increases (p=0.05)
of time in days to 50% maximum germination (T50), mean germination
time in days (MGT)and percent normal seedlings.
It is recommended that further work should be done with salicylic acid to
come up with refined methodologies of testing for stress tolerance, to
allow for better assessment of seed quality in various crop species. There
is also a need to develop ways and means of performing field tests with
seeds treated with salicylic acid to be able to corroborate the laboratory
test results with those under the field situations for wider application.