The purpose of this study was to ascertain how industrial and municipal solid waste is managed in Kitale town and to evaluate the challenges of solid waste management. The study also sought to establish the types of industries in Kitale town and the types of solid waste generated and how it is managed. Impacts of training on workers involved in solid waste management were also assessed. A case study research design was used, focusing on Kitale as a model medium sized town. Nine industries and 5 organizations that deal in solid waste were selected for the study including 161 respondents. Through administration of questionnaires, interviews, The data was collected documentary analysis and photography and was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed that most of the industries in the study area are agro-based and the bulk of solid waste generated is re-used within industries, therefore does not pose a pollution problem. The greatest challenge however, arises from packaging materials (indirect industrial waste), which constituted the municipal solid waste. The municipality solid generates 12,292.5 kgs of waste per day out of which 6,908kgs is classified indirect industrial waste. Modes of waste management were collection by municipal council, 6 tons (48.8 %), the street families 0.5 tons (4.1 %), while the rest accumulates in the town. The council experiences poor storage, collection, transportation participation. Suggestions and disposal coupled with minimal community are made to encourage community participation through community-based organizations and the organized street families should be formalized and '> empowered to deal in solid waste management. x