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Title: Restoration of Anal Sphincter tone by Graciloplasty: a report of five cases.
Authors: Khainga, S. O.
Tenge, R. K.
Kituyi, P. W.
Keywords: Anal sphincter problems.
Feacal soiling
Social misfit.
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2011
Publisher: East African Medical journal
Abstract: Stool incontinence can be as a result of congenital or acquired anal sphincter problems. It is a devastating state for a patient not to be able to control stools resulting into continued feacal soiling. It reduces an individual to a dejected and depressed person who becomes a social misfit. Hence any procedure that can alleviate this state is normally highly appreciated. Various techniques have been quoted in literature and use of gracilis muscle to form a neosphincter is one of them. Dynamic graciloplasty, is a technique whereby electrodes have been implanted into gracilis muscle and is connected to an implantable pulse generator which provides progressive levels of stimulation to convert the fast twitch, fatigue prone muscle fibres to a slow twitch, fatigue resistant firbres over eight week training period (1,2,3). This has shown improved efficacy over the static graciloplasty (3). In this case report, five patients with stool incontinence from different aetiologies are presented, all having been managed by static graciloplasty and intense physiotherapy with good outcomes reported.
Appears in Collections:School of Medicine

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