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dc.contributor.authorOmondi, Paul-
dc.description.abstractMasai Mara, a large nature reserve in south-western Kenya, was created in the midst of semi-arid agropastoralist rangelands to protect wildlife. Wildlife and indigenous people co-existed for many years, usually with Iimited conflict; but in recent years, the conflict has Intensified, mainly due to Increasing human population, changing land use patterns, and altered perceptions of wildlife. This study examines the causes and nature of wildlife-human conflict in the Maasi rangelands of Kenya, and considers how wildlife conservation and human development needs can best be Integrated. Findings Indicate that common conflicts are Iivestock depredatlon and crop damage, human deaths or Injuries, transmission of diseases, and competition for resources. Land surrounding the reserve can be divided into two distinct topographic and agroclimatic regions. The degree of conflict Is spatially varied within the region. Upland ranches have high land use potential, high human and Iivestock population densities, and more development of agriculture. They experience Iimited conflict with wildlife. Lowland ranches are more arid, have lower human population density and Iittle agriculture, but have high wildlife and Iivestock population densities and experience a high degree of conflict. These conflicts vary seasonally, and with distance from the protected area. Perceptions of wildlife and attitudes towards conservation are related to past experience with wildlife. The degree of loss, effectiveness of damage control, fairness of government compensation, and Involvement In wildlife tourism affect the degree of tolerance for wildlife conflict. Various socio-economic factors Including level of education, knowledge of conservation priorities, and system of land ownership are related to attitudes towards wildllfe. As human activity increases in the region, wildlife is more IIkely to be dlsplaced. Because most animais are mlgratory, conflict ln the land surroundlng the reserve puts the vlabllity of animai population ln the protected area in question. A Iwo-phase pr:lgram for Integrating wlldlife conservation wlth human needs Is proposed. The tlrat phase Involves deslgnatlon of the reglon Into four zones: Zone A - the protected area, Zone B -the peripheral area, Zone C - multiple usa, and Zone 0 - agriculture. The second phase of the program Is the Integration of the wlldllfe conservation wlth human Interests through: community wildlife-damage-control, compensation for 1055, sharing of tourism benefits with local people, conservation education, and local participation in wildlife conservation policy. The program provides a framework within which operational decisions can be made, and serves broader natural resource management and community development objectives ln the rangelands•en_US
dc.publisherMcGiII University, Montrealen_US
dc.subjectWild life-human conflicten_US
dc.subjectWildlife conservationen_US
dc.titleIntegrating wildlife conservation with human needs in the Masai Mara regionen_US
Appears in Collections:School of Arts and Social Sciences

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