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Title: An assessment of implementation of safety standard measures in Public Primary schools in Bungoma County Kenya
Authors: Kwata, Misanya Caroline
Keywords: safety measures
Public Primary Schools
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Moi University
Abstract: Provision of safety and security of students in learning institutions is a big challenge globally. In Kenya despite the Ministry of Education (MOE) introducing a safety standard manual in 2008, many institutions are still unsafe and insecure. The purpose of this study was to assess the implementation of the safety standard measures in public primary schools in Bungoma County. The objectives of the research were: to determine the awareness on safety measures put in place, to find out the major causes of disasters, to assess the extent of safety policy implementation and to examine the major challenges faced in the implementation of safety measures in public primary schools in Bungoma County. The study was based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. The study employed concurrent mixed methods approach and survey research design. Target population comprised of teachers from 145 public primary schools in Bungoma South sub-county. Sample size comprised of 1 CSO, 23 head teachers and 23 teachers in-charge of school safety from 23 public primary schools. Stratified sampling was used to select 3 zones, simple random sampling was used to sample 23 schools, purposive sampling was used to sample 1 CSO, 23 head teachers and 23 teachers. Data was collected using questionnaires, interview schedules and observation schedules. Validity was determined using expert judgment and piloting. Reliability of the questionnaire was ascertained through test re-test which yielded a co-efficient of 0.8. Quantitative data was analyzed through descriptive statistics, percentages and frequencies and was presented in tables while qualitative data was analyzed through narrative analysis technique and presented through narration and direct quotes. The study found out that safety manuals were unavailable in most schools, there was lack of awareness of safety standards, most schools had abandoned buildings which posed a security threat, most schools experienced disasters due to drug and substance abuse, there were no emergency exits and the doorways were narrow in most schools, mushrooming of schools made it difficult for MOE to perform its functions and there was lack of supervision of the implementation of safety measures. The study concluded that implementation of safety standards in public primary schools was not satisfactory. The study recommends that MOE should mount in-service courses for teachers to create awareness on safety, MOE to support institutions financially by putting up facilities like rams and lightning arrestors to enhance safety and guidance and counselling to be emphasized to curb the major causes of disasters.
Appears in Collections:School of Education

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