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Title: Implementation of an active, clinic-based child tuberculosis contact management strategy in western Kenya
Authors: Buziba, Nathan
Keywords: Child contact management
Isoniazid preventive therapy
Pediatric TB
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: PubMed
Abstract: uberculosis (TB) is a leading cause of childhood mortality. Isoniazid preventive therapy significantly reduces progression to TB disease. The World Health Organization recommends that high TB burden countries conduct child contact management (CCM) to identify exposed child contacts aged <5 years for screening and appropriate treatment. An active, clinic-based CCM strategy incorporating transport/screening reimbursement, monitoring and evaluation tools, and health care worker education was implemented in western Kenya. Among 169 identified child contacts aged <5 years, 146 (86%) underwent successful screening, of whom 43 (29%) were diagnosed with active TB. We describe our CCM strategy and its potential for enhancing screening and treatment efforts.
Appears in Collections:School of Medicine

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