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Title: History teaching in Kenyan secondary school, for peace, reconciliation and national integration
Authors: Chang’ach, John Koskey
Keywords: History teaching
Kenyan secondary
National integration
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: David publishing
Abstract: “National integration cannot be built by chisel and hammer. It has to grow silently in the minds and hearts of men”. (Kochhar, 1992) The main objectives of teaching history and government are: First, to demonstrate an understanding of how people and events of the past has influenced the ways in which people live and behave; Second, to appreciate the need for an importance of mutual responsibility; and Third, to develop a sense of patriotism and national pride. The paper seeks to demonstrate that history is the most important subject for producing a strong feeling of nationalism and integrity of Kenya. Proper teaching of history inspires the students with a sense of patriotism to their motherland. However, currently history and government is compulsory up to form two. Taking Uasin Gishu County as a case in point and basing on the 2009 KCSE (Kenya certificate of secondary education) results of history and government, a large proportion of students drop History and Government in form two. Therefore, this paper argues that the objectives set by the Ministry of Education have not been achieved. It is the contention of this paper that proper teaching of history is one of the best ways of creating a sense of being Kenyan in the students. If history is given a new outlook and orientation, the future will become more fascinating and hopeful. The Kenyan history should give us a panoramic view of the period through which Kenyans have maintained the essentials of their culture. If history is given proper attention, it will promote positive ethnicity and discourage negative ethnicity during this period of post-election peace-buildin
Appears in Collections:School of Education

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