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dc.contributor.authorBurudi Musungu, Johstone-
dc.description.abstract: Various policy documents indicate that the Government of Kenya’s official position is that pedagogy of values education does not differ fundamentally from that of other subjects. This paper interrogates the assumption through the lens of Socrates’ deliberations on virtue and its aspects, values, as well as Dewey’s concept of appreciation. The paper submits that teacher education in values education differs significantly from that of other subjects. Close reference is made to the secondary school Life Skills Education (LSE) course because it is currently a valuebased programme in the country. The inquiry outlines key competencies prospective teachers of values education ought to acquire in order to effectively implement the course. They should acquire both first-order and second- order subject matter proficiency, as well as competence in values education pedagogy. Besides acquisition of these competencies, they should display appropriate personal and professional dispositions. Individuals who have been prepared to teach other subjects lack these competencies and dispositions that are prerequisite for effective practice of values education. The deliberations in the paper should inform teacher education reforms anticipated by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development.en_US
dc.publisherMoi Universityen_US
dc.subjectTeacher Educationen_US
dc.titleTeacher Education in Values Education in Kenya: Insights from Socrates and Deweyen_US
Appears in Collections:School of Education

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