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dc.contributor.authorKipruto, Chemwok Christopher-
dc.description.abstractBeekeeping is the maintenance of honey bee colonies in hives. Beekeeping is a viablebusiness that contributes income significantly to many rural households in Marigat,Baringo County. It provides a means of supplementary business and self employmentopportunities. Over the years, demand for honey continued to increase while quantity ofhoney produced declined. The study analyzed the effects of technological, economic,social and institutional factors that influenced quantity of honey produced. The theory ofthe firm was the theoretical framework of the study. The study adopted a survey design.The research was conducted in Marigat, Baringo County with various regions beingsampled to obtain reliable data. Target population of the study was 1,500 bee farmers inthe region and a sample size of 134 bee farmers were selected from three divisions. Datawas collected using structured interview schedule, group discussion, key informantdiscussion and observations, analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression.Multiple regression model was estimated by Ordinary Least Squares technique. Resultsindicated technological, economic, social and institutional factors significantlydetermined honey production (p – values ranged between from 0.000 – 0.0203 < 0.05). Itwas concluded that technological, social, economic and institutional factors affectedhoney production in Marigat, Baringo County. It is important to encourage beekeepers todiversify income in the farm to include other complimentary activities such asbeekeeping and agro-forestry. Farmer to farmer advisory services is strengthened inresponse for services and collaboration with other partners in promoting beekeeping.Enhance development of the subsector through strong extension, research, conservationand rehabilitation of vegetation with integration of beekeeping. Organize beekeepers forefficient marketing of bee products, establishment of colony multiplication center,distribution and conservation of indigenous honeybee race. Women and youths areencouraged to take up beekeeping enterprise. Develop beekeepers skills and extensionagents on bee management. Utilize beeswax through intensive trainings, enhance beeforage production and integrate beekeeping with water harvesting. Modify traditional loghive to include queen excluder - section for improved honey quality.en_US
dc.titleFactors Influencing Honey Production In Marigat,Baringo County - Kenyaen_US
Appears in Collections:School of Agriculture and Natural Resources

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