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Title: Mshikamano wa kisarufi katika Kiswahili
Authors: Vifu, Saidi Makoti
Keywords: Grammatical cohesion
Issue Date: Aug-2013
Publisher: Moi University
Abstract: This study investigated grammatical cohesion in Kiswahili texts. It elucidates the different devices which bring grammatical cohesion. These are reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction. Each device was explored to show how it is applied in bringing cohesion in the selected texts.To achieve this, texts from two Kiswahili prose works; Watoto wa Maman‟tilie (Mbogo, E) and Musaleo! (Wamitila K.W) were analysed. The two authors of the texts are Kiswahili writers of repute in their respective countries, i.e Tanzania and Kenya respectively. In both countries, Kiswahili is extensively spoken, it is also official and a national language and is an important medium of communication. The choice of the two authors was done so as to give the study a wider scope of where Kiswahili is widely spoken.This study was guided by the Cohesion Theory of Halliday and Hassan. The study showed how reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjuction were used to connect Kiswahili sentences and presuppositions in selected texts to realize the cohesiveness and coherence in Kiswahili texts. Further, it investigated and explored some constraints found in the use of these devices in Kiswahili language. It also explored how these maintain or destroy the grammaticality of the texts. The study established that some devices are used more than others. For example reference, especially personal reference, is most used in the texts to bring cohesion. This was followed by conjuction, substitution and ellipsis in that order. It also established that the use of cohesive ties differed from one author to the other. Hence, it may be a style of an author in a prose work. The study also found some constraints in reference, substitution and conjunction. This was due to some rules governing these devices and grammar of the language. And in some instances, these rules have to be ignored to avoid ambiguity and nonsensical texts to achieve cohesion in Kiswahili texts.These findings will help writers, readers and students of Kiswahili at all levels of study to understand better how grammatical cohesion is realized in Kiswahili texts and the constraints involved. The findings will also contribute in the understanding of Kiswahili linguistics.
Appears in Collections:School of Education

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