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dc.contributor.authorLemuya, Joshua Lojock-
dc.description.abstractAccording to the United Nations news agency, Turkana Pastoralist Community had experienced malnutrition rates of up to 37.4 percent; the highest recorded in 20 years and more than double the U.N. World Health Organization emergency threshold of 15percent. This report showed that the future of pastoral communities is uncertain if nothing is done due to recurrent drought and famine in Sub-Saharan Africa. With the emerging socio economic changes coupled with harsh climatic conditions, the future of Pastoralism as a source of livelihood will be uncertain. The pace at which these changes are occurring has tended to vary from one region to another; most communities are today working for other means for survival for their livelihoods. Reliance on the Pastoralism for livelihood p is no longer practical. This study therefore sought to examine the emerging socio- economic changes on Turkana community's nomadic livelihoods. The study applied Emile Durkheim theory of Modernization which emphasizes two types of societies, the traditional and the modem in relation to social change.The study objective were to examine the socio economic changes taking place among the Turkana pastoralists, to assess the effects of the changes on the Turkana community's livelihoods and to explore appropriate ways of coping up with the emerging changes cutting across the region. The study was carried out in Turkana Central district in Turkana County. Given the nature of the area, the study used descriptive design and on stratified random sampling method to generate information.Data was collected using questionnaires, interviews, examination of records, observation and focused group discussion. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques were used in determining sample size. Arising from the study findings, numerous socio economic changes were identified ranging from desertification, urbanization, insecurity to high cost of living taking place in Turkana. Most of these changes had impacted on the community in various ways as stated elsewhere in the document. In conclusion, Turkana community as any other community under Pastoralism will have to adopt new changes for survival although Pastoralism still remains as a key source of their livelihooden_US
dc.publisherMoi universityen_US
dc.subjectNomadic Livelihooden_US
dc.subjectSocio-Economic community's changeen_US
dc.titleEmerging Socio-Economic community's changes on Turkana Nomadic Livelihooden_US
Appears in Collections:School of Human Resource Development

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