Browsing by Author Platt, Alyssa

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Dynamic malaria hotspots in an open cohort in western KenyaPlatt, Alyssa; Obala, Andrew Ambogo; MacIntyre, Charlie; Khwa-Otsyula, Barasa; O’Meara, Wendy Prudhomme
2018-07-17Improving rational use of ACTs through diagnosis-dependent subsidies: Evidence from a cluster-randomized controlled trial in western KenyaO’Meara, Wendy Prudhomme; Menya, Diana; Laktaba, Jeremiah; Platt, Alyssa; Saran, Indrani; Maffioli, Elisa; Kipkoech, Joseph; Mohanan, Manoj; Turner, Elizabeth L
2013-12-07Spatial autocorrelation in uptake of antenatal care and relationship to individual, household and village-level factors: results from a community-based survey of pregnant women in six districts in Western KenyaO’Meara, Wendy Prudhomme; Platt, Alyssa; Naanyu, Violet; Cole, Donald; Ndege, Samson
2015-10-16Using pay for performance incentives (P4P) to improve management of suspected malaria fevers in rural Kenya: a cluster randomized controlled trialMenya, Diana; Platt, Alyssa; Manji, Imran; Sang, Edna; Wafula, Rebeccah; Ren, Jing; Cheruiyot, Olympia; Armstrong, Janice; Neelon, Brian; Prudhomme O’Meara, Wendy
2015What is threatening the effectiveness of insecticide-treated bednets? A case-control study of environmental, behavioral, and physical factors associated with prevention failureObala, Andrew A.; Mangeni, Judith Nekesa; Platt, Alyssa; Aswa, Daniel; Abel, Lucy
2015-07-14What is threatening the effectiveness of insecticide-treated bednets? A case-control study of environmental, behavioral, and physical factors associated with prevention failureObala, Andrew A; Mangeni, Judith Nekesa; Platt, Alyssa; Aswa, Daniel; Abel, Lucy; Namae, Jane; O'Meara, Wendy Prudhomme
2015What Is threatening the effectiveness of insecticide-treated bednets? a case-control study of environmental, behavioral, and physical factors associated with prevention failureObala, Andrew A.; Mangeni, Judith Nekesa; Platt, Alyssa; Aswa, Daniel; Abel, Lucy; Namae, Jane; O'Meara, Wendy Prudhomme
2015-07-14What Is Threatening the Effectiveness of Insecticide-Treated Bednets? A Case-Control Study of Environmental, Behavioral, and Physical Factors Associated with Prevention FailureObala, Andrew A.; Mangeni, Judith Nekesa; Platt, Alyssa; Aswa, Daniel; Abel, Lucy; Namae, Jane; O'Meara, Wendy Prudhomme
2015-07-14What is threatening the effectiveness of insecticide-treated bednets? A case-control study of environmental, behavioral, and physical factors associated with prevention failureObala, Andrew A.; Mangeni, Judith Nekesa; Platt, Alyssa; Aswa, Daniel; Abel, Lucy; Namae, Jane; O'Meara, Wendy Prudhomme
2015What is threatening the effectiveness of insecticide-treated bednets? a case-control study of environmental, behavioral, and physical factors associated with prevention failureObala, Andrew A.; Mangeni, Judith Nekesa; Platt, Alyssa; Aswa, Daniel; Abel, Lucy; Namae, Jane; O'Meara, Wendy Prudhomme
2015-07-14What Is threatening the effectiveness of insecticide-treated bednets? A case-control study of environmental, behavioral, and physical factors associated with prevention failureObala, Andrew A; Mangeni, Judith Nekesa; Platt, Alyssa; Aswa, Daniel; Abel, Lucy; Namae, Jane; Prudhomme O'Meara, Wendy
2015-07-14What is threatening the effectiveness of insecticide-treated bednets? A case-control study of environmental, behavioral, and physical factors associated with prevention failureObala, Andrew A.; Mangeni, Judith Nekesa; Platt, Alyssa; Aswa, Daniel; Abel, Lucy; Namae, Jane; O'Meara, Wendy Prudhomme
2015-07-14What Is Threatening the Effectiveness of Insecticide-Treated Bednets? A Case-Control Study of Environmental, Behavioral, and Physical Factors Associated with Prevention FailureA. Obala, Andrew; Nekesa Mangeni, Judith; Platt, Alyssa; Aswa, Daniel; Abel, Lucy; Namae, Jane; Prudhomme O'Meara, Wendy