Browsing by Author Asirwa, Fredrick Chite

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Building a Sustainable Comprehensive Multiple Myeloma Program in Western KenyaLotodo, Teresa C.; Asirwa, Fredrick Chite; Vik, Terry A
2016Factors Associated with Uptake of Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) for Cervical Cancer Screening in Western KenyaOrang’o, Elkanah Omenge; Wachira, Juddy; Asirwa, Fredrick Chite; Busakhala, Naftali; Naanyu, Violet; Kisuya, Job; Otieno, Grieven; Keter, Alfred; Mwangi, Ann
2016Global Health Equity: Cancer Care Outcome Disparities in High-, Middle-, and Low-Income CountriesAsirwa, Fredrick Chite
2016Medical Education and Training: Building In-Country Capacity at All LevelsAsirwa, Fredrick Chite; Greist, Anne; Busakhala, Naftali; Rosen, Barry; Loehrer, Patrick J.
2013-10-07Mentoring future Kenyan oncology researchersMoormann, Ann; Skiles, Jodi; Koros, Emmanuel; Asirwa, Fredrick Chite; Busakhala, Naftali; Loehrer, Patrick
2025A prospective model of the potential clinical and economic impact of cervical cancer screening supported by a mobile phone appAsirwa, Fredrick Chite; Bresnahan, Brian W.; Yego, Faith; Duncan, Dana; Karichu, James K.; Garrison Jr., Louis P.
2018-10-21Randomized controlled trial to evaluate locally sourced two-component compression bandages for HIV-associated Kaposi sarcoma leg lymphedema in western Kenya:The Kenyan improvised compression for Kaposi Sarcoma (KICKS) study protocolChang, Aileen Y; Karwa, Rakhi; Busakhala, Naftali; Fletcher, Sara L; Tonui, Edith C; Wasike, Paul; Kohn, Michael A; Asirwa, Fredrick Chite; Kiprono, Samson K; Maurer, Toby; Goodrich, Suzanne; Pastakia, Sonak D
2020Real-world use of chemotherapy forKaposi’s sarcoma in a large community-based HIV primary care system in KenyaFreeman, Esther E.; Busakhala, Naftali; Regan, Susan; Asirwa, Fredrick Chite
2021Retrospective analysis of presentation, treatment, and outcomes of multiple myeloma at a large Public Referral Hospital in Eldoret, KenyaLotodo, Teresa C.; Asirwa, Fredrick Chite; Vik, Terry A
2016-01Screening by clinical breast examination in Western Kenya: Who comes?Naftali, Busakhala; Naanyu, Violet; Asirwa, Fredrick Chite; Kisuya, Job
2021-09-19Supporting Kenyan women with advanced breast cancer through a network and assessing their needs and quality of lifeShaikh, Asim Jamal; Dhillion, Niha; Shah, Jasmit; Kathomi, Caroline; Kiragu, Alfred; Asirwa, Fredrick Chite; Nyongesa, Catherine; Kasman, Riaz; Abayo, Innocent; Kirathe, Grace; Sayed, Shahin
2021-12-17Towards a unified approach for multiple myeloma care in Kenya - proceedings of the Inaugural Multiple Myeloma CongressLotodo, Teresa Cherop; Melly, Beatrice Jepngetich; Manyega, Kelvin Mogesa; Oduor, Mercy; Magutu, Valerie; Asirwa, Fredrick Chite; Riyat, Riyat; Karagu, Alfred; Onsongo, Simon; Wafula, Caroline; Yatich, Roselyne; Mishra, Pravas Chandra; Omondi, Austin; Namaemba, Diana Flora; Oyollo, Yvette; Kugo, Maureen